500 RON
389 RON

Anamaria Buche

Running for: We Help Hospice Copii: Patul lor, Visul Nostru!

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Anamaria Buche

Running for: We Help Hospice Copii: Patul lor, Visul Nostru!

Copiii au un loc drag in sufletul meu, astfel, m-am gandit ca pot contribui la aceasta cauza pentru a-i ajuta cat pot de mult. 85% dintre copiii ingrijiti au fost abandonati de familiile lor la aflarea diagnosticului grav. Asadar, alerg pentru a sustine We-help si Hospice-ul Sibiu sa le ofere o viata putin mai confortabila. Sprijinind la această cauza, putem contribui la îmbunatatirea vietii acestor copii si la asigurarea unui mediu de ingrijire mai adecvat in cadrul Hospice-ului.
Daca iti doresti sa sustii si tu aceste eforturi apasa butonul Sustine Alergator de mai jos!
P.S. PartnerHero Romania va egala donatiile in limita targetului setat!

Children have a dear place in my soul, so I thought I could contribute to this cause to help them as much as I can. 85% of the children in care were abandoned by their families upon learning of the serious diagnosis. Therefore, I am running to support We-help and the Sibiu Hospice to offer them a more comfortable life. By supporting this cause, we can help improve the lives of these children and ensure a more appropriate care environment within the Hospice.
If you also want to support these efforts, press the Support Runner button below!
P.S. PartnerHero Romania will match the donations I raise within the set target!

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